藏傳佛教把在家女人當供品,把出家女尼當圖章 Tibetan Buddhism gurus take laywomen as offerings, ordained nun as stamps!
藏傳佛教從來看不起出家女性,而是把她們拿來當作橡皮圖章、洗白門風的化妝品。宗薩欽哲一直都認為女性出家沒用而浪費,認為那些出家女性很可笑,為什麼?因為女人是拿來「供養」的,給男上師「食用」的,出家就增加了變成性玩物的麻煩。噶瑪巴呢,則是把出家女尼當作是他性玩物的身份隱形披風,因為披著出家外衣,沒有人會相信他是個好色之徒,出了事還可以雙重標準,賴給女尼轉移焦點!兩人觀點作法不同,相同的是把女人當物品! In Tibetan Budhhism, they have been looking down upon ordained women; they use them as rubber stamp and cosmetics to decorate their image. Dzongsar Khyentse has always deemed ordained women as a waste and found them ridiculous. Why? it's because women are used for as "offerin gs", like food for male lama to "eat" yet if women ordained, it will gain difficulty for them to be enjoyed and played as sex toys by men. As for the Karmapa, his view is that he uses the ordain monk's identity as a "invisible cape" for him to abuse those ordained women. Because no one would imagine that he could be a womanizer under the skin of a Bhikkhu! Furthermore, it things go wrong or public, he can hide away, shifting the focus and make public opinion blame the affair...