
目前顯示的是 9月, 2020的文章

揭穿噶瑪巴!第一集:兩位受害女性首次現身,揭發噶瑪巴性濫權的視訊會議影片Unmasking Karmapa! Jane Huang and Wu Hang Yee Meeting Online to expose the experiences abused by the Karmapa

Unmasking Karmapa! Jane Huang and Wu Hang Yee Meeting Online to expose the experiences abused by the Karmapa 我和香港鄔幸兒以視訊會議連線,以影片方式現身講述我們被第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴秘密虐待的親身經驗。我們將會分集披露噶瑪巴私下的真面目,以警示大眾。 Wu Hang Yee from Hong Kong and I did a online meeting to show up in person to tell the true experiences being abused by the 17th Karmapa Oygen Trinley Dorje. "Metoo!" You can not cheat women disciples and abuse your power to hurt them!    任何對於我和鄔幸兒的不實言論,尤其是網路霸凌,我都會蒐證並提出法律告訴! Any smear and slandering on me and Wu, especially cyber-bullying, I will collect the evidences and sue those malevolent actors and trolls without hesitation!    #karmapa #Dzongsarjamyangkhyentse #鏡週刊 #大寶法王 #宗薩欽哲 #羅卓仁謙 #熊仁謙 #unmaskingkarmapa  

我勝訴了!正義終於來臨!羅卓仁謙網路霸凌抹黑我,台灣法院判處他必須公開道歉!I Won the Lawsuit Against the Karmapa's Taiwan Representative slandering me a Psychopath, Lodro Rinchen Needs to Apologize Publicly

我勝訴了!正義終於來臨!大寶法王噶瑪巴性醜聞的「最高處理窗口」羅卓仁謙網路霸凌抹黑受害者,汙衊我是精神病患,今天台北地方法院判決,熊仁謙敗訴,必須公開道歉! On May 18th 2020, finally I won! I won the lawsuit against Lodro Rinchen, who was known as the 17th Karmapa's " highest window to deal with the Karmapa's sex scandal". He launched a cyberbullying to attack me as a psycho, attempting to discrediting my exposure of the Karmapa's dark true face. Today the justice arriveed in with the outcome that Lodro Richen lose the case. The judge from Tawian Taipei court sentenced that he has to apologize and post the announcement publicly for ten days! 這是送給羅卓仁謙的公民與社會課!民主不是聚集粉絲,號召徒眾,用佛法包裝,打擊異己,那是封建的西藏社會的陋習,那是韓國瑜和韓粉的行為!因果不是你念經齋戒就可以扭曲逃避,上師不是你作惡傷害的免死金牌,現在是 2020 年,不是割據一方的西藏王國! This is a free lesson of Civic and Social Education I offer to Lodro Rinchen. In a democratic society like Taiwan, you are not allowed to gather fans and followers to smear and hurt the whistle-blower with the cover of Buddha dharma. It’s ugly and outdated custom in feud...