我勝訴了!正義終於來臨!羅卓仁謙網路霸凌抹黑我,台灣法院判處他必須公開道歉!I Won the Lawsuit Against the Karmapa's Taiwan Representative slandering me a Psychopath, Lodro Rinchen Needs to Apologize Publicly

On May 18th 2020, finally I won! I won the lawsuit against Lodro Rinchen, who was known as the 17th Karmapa's " highest window to deal with the Karmapa's sex scandal". He launched a cyberbullying to attack me as a psycho, attempting to discrediting my exposure of the Karmapa's dark true face. Today the justice arriveed in with the outcome that Lodro Richen lose the case. The judge from Tawian Taipei court sentenced that he has to apologize and post the announcement publicly for ten days!


This is a free lesson of Civic and Social Education I offer to Lodro Rinchen. In a democratic society like Taiwan, you are not allowed to gather fans and followers to smear and hurt the whistle-blower with the cover of Buddha dharma. It’s ugly and outdated custom in feudal Tibetan world. Also as a Buddhist, you cannot twist and distort cause and effect by reciting mantras and sutras. “Protecting the guru” is not the pass of misbehaviors that hurting women because it is 2020 now, not the old Tibet Kingdom where lamas occupy small mountains and attack and kill enemies that they hate!


It’s worthwhile to hire a lawyer to sue Lodro Rinchen. The money is not wasted; neither do I want the compensation of “one NT dollar”. Because the devotion that Dzongsar Khyentse and the 17th Karmapa abused is valueless! Nothing can compensate the devotion. They should be revealed their misconduct and abuse of power in front of the public.


Karmapa and his followers can not whitewash his sex scandal with the trick to smear the whistle-blowers and victims as psychopaths. It’s old trick in the monarchy and authoritarian times. In the modern society of rule of law, transparency of information and freedom of speech will disclose these gurus' abusing their power without any excuses!

新聞連結news link:

「大寶法王破戒交女友 大弟子反批「中國妖女」挨告敗訴」






全案定讞!判決確定!大寶法王、宗薩欽哲性濫權醜聞案為真!處理代表弟子熊仁謙必須向Jane Huang公開道歉十天!The Conviction Affirmed! The Karmapa’s sex scandal is recognized true by Taiwan High Court! The Lama Must Apologize to Jane Huang publicly for 10 days!

藏傳密宗不能說的秘密 The Secrets Forbidden to Be Told in Tibetan Buddhism

鐵證!宗薩欽哲教私下唆抹黑吹哨者的法院證據!Dzongsar Khyentse abets Stephanie Lai to Smear the Whistleblower of the Karmapa Sex abuse