鐵證!宗薩欽哲教私下唆抹黑吹哨者的法院證據!Dzongsar Khyentse abets Stephanie Lai to Smear the Whistleblower of the Karmapa Sex abuse

The video revealing Dzongsar Khyentse's ugly faces with his own wechat messages with his translator Stephanie Lai that was deleted by YT due to malevolent reported and been forcibly removed and "can not be appeal."

or https://youtu.be/OWXvAs5O6qQ or https://www.dropbox.com/s/x3o3nhohzr0z667/lai%20youtube.mp4?dl=0

All the documents and recordings in the videos are filed and archived in Taiwan High Court, which means they are all verified by the court and true! That's why Dzongsar Khyentse fear of being seen his true ugly face by the public and asked his followers remove this solid evidence on Youtube! The harder Dzongsar Khyentse's side tries to wipe out these solid evidences, the more authentic these evidences are! Dzongsar Khyentse and his gang act like Chinese Communist Party totally!

影片中所有文件和錄音檔都存檔於臺灣高等法院,證明這些證據是法院認證!完全真實可信!賴梵耘和羅卓仁謙的對話證明了就是宗薩欽哲親自教唆賴梵耘,抹黑吹哨者Jane Huang是精神病患! 宗薩欽哲敢做這種卑鄙的事,卻如此害怕被大眾看見這些由法院認證鐵一般的證據,因為這些對話揭發了他的真面目和人格,於是他們團夥一再令人至YouTube惡意檢舉強迫下架這些鐵證,因為他們想從世人眼前抹除一切!然而這些人越想刪除,越是此地無銀三百兩!這些行為跟中共沒有兩樣!

YT replied "It can not be appealed"

YT removed the video with court evidences that reveals Dzongsar Khyentse's abet Stephanie Lai to smear Jane Huang 

(原文章內容)Original article being deleted

實錘鐵證!臺灣高等法院傳喚證人賴梵耘Stephanie Lai,賴逃避出庭作證的她自己的語音檔逐字稿。這一切都證實了抹黑Jane Huang是由宗薩欽哲指示發動!教唆羅卓仁謙在網路上散佈謠言網路霸凌,以洗白自身性濫權醜聞!

Solid Evidences! More Outrageous Scandal!

Lodro Rinchen revealed it's Dzongsar Khyentse and the Karmapa who instructed him to smear Jane Huang to mislead the public opinion! They smeared the whistleblower to whitewash the sex scandal! Dzongsar Khyentse's secretary Stephanie Lai, wife of his nephew Pawo Choyning Dorji, delivered Dzongsar Khyentse 's wechat messages to Lodro and asked him to select some of the messages to frame her as a psychopath. These voice messages were submitted by Lodro Rinchen to Taiwan High Court to justify his smearing of Jane Huang. Therefore, Taiwan High Court subpoenaed Dzongsar Khyentse and Stephanie Lai to attend the court to testify yet both of them dare not show up in the court! 賴梵耘:「我得找就真的她看起來比較像是瘋的訊息。」、「你們看看能不能用」、「仁波切相信你們會善巧的用。」 Stephanie Lai said in the messages, "I need to find out those messages which made her looked as if she is crazy, because if other messages don’t make her look like she is crazy , then I feel…you know what I mean?" ,"check it out to see and evaluate whether it can be used or not. " and "Rinpoche believes that you guys will use them skillfully". 用這種卑鄙的內容證明自己受上師指使,所以抹黑有理?還呈送到高等法院?這些法盲結果當然敗訴! How ridiculous and sinister can they be to come up with this mean idea to smear the whistleblower? How stupid and ignorant can Lodro Rinchen be to submit these to Taiwan High Court to get exonerated? Of course this gang lost the lawsuit! The court determined Lodro Rinchen must apologize to Jane Huang publicly on Facebook for 10days to resume her reputation! That's a protection of her credibility of disclosing the Karmapa and Dzongsar Khyentse's sex scandal of power abuse!



全案定讞!判決確定!大寶法王、宗薩欽哲性濫權醜聞案為真!處理代表弟子熊仁謙必須向Jane Huang公開道歉十天!The Conviction Affirmed! The Karmapa’s sex scandal is recognized true by Taiwan High Court! The Lama Must Apologize to Jane Huang publicly for 10 days!

藏傳密宗不能說的秘密 The Secrets Forbidden to Be Told in Tibetan Buddhism