
目前顯示的是 12月, 2019的文章

宗薩徹底剝削所有女性可利用之處 v.s.從噶瑪巴姊弟看藏傳的亂倫文化 Dzongsar Khyentse Consumes Women Completely. v.s Incest in Tibetan culture: the relationship between Karmapa and his older sister.

再回來談到所謂覺知的營造,最簡單的就是,去改變故事的說法,以符合他所想要營造的形象。比如在最近的一篇宗薩欽哲自傳中提到他的祖父敦珠法王與祖母「分居」後,選擇了繼祖母云云。事實上,宗薩欽哲在秘密私人教授裡曾經幾次都談過這個故事的真正版本:他這位特別的祖母,事實上是拋棄了敦珠法王,跟自己的女婿私奔了 — 是的,就是亂倫的姊弟 / 母子戀。宗薩欽哲稱讚敦珠法王戴了綠帽卻不慌不亂,還得意地笑稱他的家族出了一位「 Motherf*cker 」。這位祖母根本不是他傳記文章裡寫的,敦珠法王與她「分居」,而是她大膽地跟小鮮肉跑了!接著在這篇自傳中又提到,他的繼祖母非常跋扈霸道,管制了所有晉見敦珠法王的管道,他感到十分委屈,於是遵循頂果欽哲上師的指示,要自己啟動「淨觀」,將敦珠法王視為蓮師,那麼他這位惹人厭的繼祖母,就是偉大的蓮師佛母,所以再難以接受,他也嚥下去了。而這就是以偉大淨觀消滅了你的「覺知惡魔」,這就是虔誠心的功德。反過來說,如果無法擁有這種淨觀,就是被魔鬼佔據! Let’s tune our focus back on perception management. The simplest trick is to tweak the storytelling to fit their own agenda to shape the positive images. For example, in Dzongsar Khyentse’s recent biography episode about the separation of his grandfather Dudjom Rinpoche and his grandmother, Dzongasr Khyentse’s version on this public website is that Dudjom Rinpoche "chose to separate with his grandmother" something like that. However, the real version is this: he talked about it in his secret private teachings: that Dudjom Rinpoche was actually dumpe...

噶瑪巴和宗薩欽哲的覺知騙局手法 The Drill of the Karmapa and Dzongsar Khyentse's Con of Perceptions

噶瑪巴的感知騙局無遠弗屆,畢竟他是個「古老」傳承大名鼎鼎的法王,沒有接觸到他本人前,只要是藏傳信徒,都鋪天蓋地聽說過他的故事軼事,說他是神通萬能的大寶法王,具有他心通啦、又是蓮師化身、觀世音菩薩化身,慈悲心化身。再加上噶瑪巴藉著所謂「被軟禁」的理由,將自己的晉見過程搞得非常複雜,猶如過海關安檢一樣,再一層一層的過濾時間、個資。最後噶瑪巴會將晉見與否作為一種近乎的勒索手段,令得前去拜見的信徒又敬又畏,彷彿要親賭皇帝容顏一樣,最後搞得猶如大赦或賞賜一樣。(這些手法與英國電視劇「年經的教宗」中如出一轍。) The con of the perception that the Karmapa plays can be boundless and limitless, after all he is a renowned "His Holiness" from an ancient lineage. People are easy to supplement their own imaginations and explanations according to the legends they have heard. As long as one is a Tibetan Buddhist, he or she must have heard the anecdotes and stories about the Karmapa, especially the miraculous clairvoyance that he has been famous for, such as he is a mind reader, the emanation of the Guru Rinpoche or Guan-Yin Boddhisavatta or the manifestation of compassion itself blah blah blah. In the culture of multi-gods and folk region based Asian societies, the Karmapa legends are quite easy to be bought. Take the scenario of the private au...