宗薩徹底剝削所有女性可利用之處 v.s.從噶瑪巴姊弟看藏傳的亂倫文化 Dzongsar Khyentse Consumes Women Completely. v.s Incest in Tibetan culture: the relationship between Karmapa and his older sister.


Let’s tune our focus back on perception management. The simplest trick is to tweak the storytelling to fit their own agenda to shape the positive images. For example, in Dzongsar Khyentse’s recent biography episode about the separation of his grandfather Dudjom Rinpoche and his grandmother, Dzongasr Khyentse’s version on this public website is that Dudjom Rinpoche "chose to separate with his grandmother" something like that. However, the real version is this: he talked about it in his secret private teachings: that Dudjom Rinpoche was actually dumped by his grandmother (a bold woman without a name.) and fled from the family with their son-in-law. Yes, it’s a typical incestuous incident happened a lot in Tibetan culture. (The Karmapa and his older sister have the same issue which will be mentioned alter). Dzongsar Khyentse thus said his family produced a “Motherfu*ker” and he was quite proud of his grandfather because he seemed okay when this accident happened. He didn't mention how they treated his ex-grandmother and his uncle-in-law. The real dark side will never be mentioned no matter in public version or private teaching though.

Yet in the online biography version, it was the Dudjom Rinpoche who divorced his wife without any reason because it would be a disgraceful scandal if the true version told in public under the patriarchal mindset, so Dzongsar Khyentse changed the story for the image of the Dudjom lineage. In addition to this incestuous affair, Dzongsar Khyentse mentioned in the web-series that his new grandmother was very bossy and domineering, who controlled all the channels and schedules to the private audiences with Dudjom Rinpoche, even himself as the grandson could not see his grandfather. In the article there he came up with the teaching of “pure perception” from Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche advising that he must view Dudjom as Padmasambhva and thus his obnoxious wife was great consort of Padmasambhva! Therefore no matter how difficult that the situation where he could not meet his grandfather, he could be able to chew and accept the new grandmother’s selfish and jealous behaviors. And then his demon of impure perception was destroyed by the winner of pure perception. This meant the merit of his devotion was functioning effectively! On the contrary, if one was not able to hold this kind of pure perception, he was highly likely possessed by maras and will go to vajra hell.


Most of the people read Dzongsar Khyentse’s articles, study the teachings or talk to him in person by wechat, they only get partial of his true meanings and intentions, not the whole picture. It's a very much Esoteric yana's way of expressing--one cannot speak things out  firmly, otherwise one cannot play the game of cause and conditions aka "emptiness." But now it is abused as excuses to cover up the scandal of the guru's misbehavior. Taking this biography website as an example, in fact, almost all the episodes are analogizing or implying the girls how to view the Karmapa with pure perception no matter how ridiculous they have experienced and being mistreated and abused. 

For instance, Dzongsar Khyentse has mentioned not only for one but many times, no matter in his teachings or the bio episodes that the previous Karmapa, the 16th Karmapa, would chew tobaccos or Dudjom Rinopche would ride a bicycle like a "common human being" to imply that even ordained (Was he? all are fairy tales now) like the 16th Karmapa or accomplished like Dudjom, they would act like an "ordinary person" but without breaking the vows or harm his greatness.  What good night stories for blind naive minds!

As long as the girl students enter this con of perception and buy into the discourses and the narratives, no matter how bad a scum and jerk that the Karmapa acts, they would self-hypnotize themselves that “Everything is the display of the great guru,” especially his crazy and harmful doings. All could be ordeals and tests to the next level ascension.


Dzongsar Khyentse abuses the theories and practices of “pure perception” for his own personal agendas to fool those simple and innocent girls who are sent to and picked by the Karmapa. Dzongsar Khyentse's skills to twist a person’s consciousness and cognition into his own viewpoint and narrative are so subtle that one would not be aware of that his intention is to serve his own purpose, for everything there is Buddha Dharma as a brand, a cosmetics.  For example, Dzongsar Khyentse has been advocating and encouraging the idea of “infatuation”; he keeps saying that infatuation that looks insane is helpful for “transcending the duality” or “go beyond the rationality”, especially when one infatuates with those who are out of one's league or shocking with regard to the norm. Therefore even just as if I took myself as a common woman and didn’t want to act like a fanatic follower to the Karmapa(there were wechat records), Dzongsar Khyentse would still deny my awareness, still instructed me and  push me to the line to poke the Karmapa, regardless how overwhelmed and stressed out I was. They took it as a game for pleasure seeing women struggling with confusion --it's a perverted mentality due to the lama's child abuse experience when they ere brought up as tulkus. 

He could also change in a minute without any explanation or all of a sudden according to the situation’s odds and blamed me if the effect was not meet his expectation. He is actually very moody and cranky, not as kind as one see him in the public.  I have been self-blamed for a long time thinking I failed some mission and stuck in a low self-esteem situation that I am not a good disciple to accomplish the guru's job. Dzongsar Khyentse kept mocking me on the appearance of how I look, which make himself look crude and ugly and also make him violate the root samaya apparently.  

Anyway, the stories of the incestuous relationship that his old grandmother had and the new overbearing grandmother’s behaviors are his metaphor and secret messages pass to the Karmapa’s girls. Dzongsar Khyentse was actually juxtaposing the Karmapa’s incestuous relationship with his older sister Ngodup Palzom, who is also a bossy and domineering woman, a control freak of all the Karmapa’s activities and relationships. (Dzongsar Khyentse has been trying to arrange the Sister a boyfriend to distract her from the twisted relationship with the Karmapa. In fact she took the Karmapa as her husband. For nomads like Tibetans it's not unusual in the old times. But in a His Holiness family, it's a horrifying scandal.   This  is a long story and I will describe it later.) For the targeted readers of the bio episodes, those girls who are trapped in the labyrinth of the Karmapa’s prey game aka Dzongsar Khyentse’s honey trap, it is easy for them to reference all the roles and incidents quickly and clearly. As long as one gets along with Dzongsar Khyentse closely enough, familiar with his style of communication and connotation, one would know that every word I say is not a lie. 


The trick of tweaking the plots of the story was also applied to the story of Khandro Tsering Chodron, the wife of the previous Khenyste Chokyi Lodro. People only know the beautiful version that she kept widowhood her whole life after Chokyi Lodro died and stayed with his relics in Sikkim for years. However, only few know the true version of her mid life was this: she was almost out of her mind when she was forced to stay in the small house with Chokyi Lodro’s stupa, namely she was actually house arrest by the Sikkim royal system and Chokyi’s labrang where he passed away. She suffered from malnutrition due to the custody for a long time, lacking proper food and care. Tsering Chodron was mistreated as an effigy of Khyentse Chokyi Lodro but gradually no one cared a late master’s widow and lost their offerings and respect. She was like a prisoner without dignity and well-being; it destroyed her sanity and health at the same time. In fact, in the old times numerous Tibetan women were mistreated this way and a lot of them went crazy and cast away like waste. A lot of women were imprisoned to death like animals.

What’s worse, later the Sikkim/ Tibetan misfits began to have sexual intercourse with her or raped her during the night or even daytime when no one cared this poor woman with an eminent title, saying that they just got blessings from her. The situation got so worse that even the Sikkim Royal family could do nothing about it (or they didn’t care), it became scandal news floating around in Tibetan circle in India. Dzongsar Khyentse was in his early 20s and was afraid that Tsering Chodron’s promiscuous misconduct would ruin Khyentse lineage’s reputation so he asked his hefty skikkm disciple Jiga to kidnap her and stole the relics and the stupa to Delhi and then smuggled all to the France at Sogyal’s place.

This version of the Khyentse history would never be recorded in Dzongsar Khyentse’s biographies because he would not allow the dark side and uncivilized women abuse leak out to the modern world because his image was so progressive and open-minded in the West. People can only know the noble version of the Khandro’s life. Still a sappy version, while the truth is Dzongsar Khyentse rescued her not out of his compassion but the fear of decaying the Khyentse lineage’s credit. A woman is taken care of only when she is useful, if not, she is a waste.

For making Khyentse lineage immortal and perfect, the slightest spot of any scandal is not allowed to be exposed under the sun. Women’s well-being is never the point of the Tibetan Buddhism; they are only tools or consumed supplies. If one refuse the guru's manipulation anymore, they would say and slander she is an unqualified object, not even a practitioner. As for those who exposed the truth, like me, they have no new tricks but directly smeared as psychopath without the second thought, through the "loyal" disciples and close attendants. It's their easy solution to exempt themselves for centuries. 


I had verified this anecdote about Tsering Chodron with Dzongsar Khyentse in person when I followed him to Sikkim before his long life empowerment at a Sakya gompa, although he would deny every piece of it now. He confirmed it and told me, “the Karmapa suffered the same situation,” shocking me badly. It was in November 2017 when I tried hard to figure out what happened in terms of my relationship with the Karmapa and the whole situation. However, to me, what’s so shameful about Tsering Chodron’s behaviors? Isn’t she a silent victim of the women abuse in Tibetan culture yet forced to be beautified with the Dakini narratives? In fact, as far as i know, the more promiscuous and ethical misconducts that Dzongsar Khyentse and the Karmapa commit are out there without being gone public. But in their narratives, they are Padmasambhava themselves while the imprisoned crazy Tsering Chodron was not a Khandro la or manifestation of a consort Yeshe Khandro when she was not controlled and arranged as they wished. 

To clarify and offer more information to people, I must say, all these have nothing to do with Tantra-yana, they are absolutely not the supreme secrets in the practice that cannot be told; they are just scandals and personal misconduct that they don’t want to be seen and discussed by the public, especially in the West. They intimidate disciples who disclose the dirty truths and take them as violating their will, so those traitors would be cursed because of the “Samaya” and go to "Vajra Hell". My take with regard to the vows of esoteric-yana is this: if there really exists the Protector of Mahasandhi, Dzongsar Khyentse will be punished the most severely by her, because he took vows when he gave secret empowerments with his eyes as the pledge offerings, for his most unforgivable violation of the Samaya and for his transgression of abusing devotion and pure perception of the sincere disciples!  The devotion itself is the Budhha nature, is the Rigpa, as well as the Protector herself! Dzongsar Khyentse is stepping towards his final judgements that he created for himself, the result that he committed to protect his personal interest and fame. The Karma is now getting back to him slowly.


(To be Continued)

The Karmapa and his sister has incestuous relationship that is forbidden to be told yet this inbreeding depravity happened a lot in Tibetan culture.  




The facade of the Royal Temple in Gangtok Sikkm shot in 2017. The small house accommodates Choyki Lodro's stupa was next to the temple which I didn't take the photo out of respect. 


The puja led by Dzongsar Khyentse at Tashi Ding by Chokyi Lodro's stupa in Sikkim in 2017


Tsering Chodron's photo when Chokyi Lodro was still alive. She was still health and young at that time.



藏傳密宗不能說的秘密 The Secrets Forbidden to Be Told in Tibetan Buddhism

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