噶瑪巴和宗薩欽哲的覺知騙局手法 The Drill of the Karmapa and Dzongsar Khyentse's Con of Perceptions


The con of the perception that the Karmapa plays can be boundless and limitless, after all he is a renowned "His Holiness" from an ancient lineage. People are easy to supplement their own imaginations and explanations according to the legends they have heard. As long as one is a Tibetan Buddhist, he or she must have heard the anecdotes and stories about the Karmapa, especially the miraculous clairvoyance that he has been famous for, such as he is a mind reader, the emanation of the Guru Rinpoche or Guan-Yin Boddhisavatta or the manifestation of compassion itself blah blah blah. In the culture of multi-gods and folk region based Asian societies, the Karmapa legends are quite easy to be bought.

Take the scenario of the private audience as an example, he uses the reason that he is house arrest in Gyuto Monastary without freedom, he sets up a complicated process of audience as if one is going through security check at the custom to intimidate the devotees that they are seeing a very important person, both spiritually and worldly. His staff will collect your passport photocopies which they claim verified for the India government and then hold the visitors until the Karmapa consents, usually until the last minute of the follower's travel schedule. Many people think the Karmapa has no freedom and was house arrest as I thought, in fact he was actually free for years (my guess it's around 2010 or so) but he still pretends that he doesn’t have personal freedom. In 2016, Dzongsar Khyentse has eventually told me this fact that the "Karmapa can travel as he wishes" yet I have been fooled for years and subject to the Karmapa's lies, feeling sad for him and mistook that he really got some clairvoyance when he oftentimes showed up out of the blue. The truth about his personal freedom will be revealed soon in the future coupled with his malfeasance and sex abuse.

It’s actually his tricks to garner sympathy for his situation as a political refugee and also an emotional blackmail imposed upon the followers, especially girlfriends that he wraps in his hand. The details of the true stories I will tell later in the future. Turns out it is an old trick and drill for the religious leaders since Middle Ages. We can read in the history that the Emperors of Qing Dynasty often play this tricks to praise or punish his subjects until they can manipulate them under the feudal monarchy mindset and faith. As for some popular reference, in the British TV show Young Pope, this kind of audience complication is part of the monarchy trickery to control and rule the devotees in the religious setting ever since hundreds of years ago. They take the audience with the king as a gift or a punishment, depending how the Pope or the Guru decides your status and performances.


小牛skype交友名單(鄔幸兒臉書提供)"Baby Cow"’s girl list on Sype(Courtesy by Wu Hang Yee’s facebook )

Being used to his demeanor and style, one can familiar with these tricks after they were repeated a couple of times. In fact, the Karmapa has only a few tricks swapping around. For example, after the Karmapa made sure that I was comprised as his secret lover and bought his situations that he was an innocent house arrest and loaded with heavy responsibility and great jobs, he gradually turned the interactions on Skype into his control game and emotional blackmail. In the beginning, he called me so intensively that I felt it’s kind of abnormally frequent but just thought he might be stressed out for his jobs so I went with him whever or whatever I was doing. But later he would play this prey game to make me worried or anxious until I was at the brink of falling apart and then he would call to ask for anything he wanted and he would get his way with it.  

Like “you have to stay with me” when I tried to break up with him or “you have to listen to me” with I had objections against his doings. He would disappear all of a sudden without no reason or stood me up an appointment that was long been set up as some punishment or blackmail, leaving me very self-blamed and devastated for quiet a while, when I didn’t really understand what happened. He would command me to do this and that after he suddenly showed up therefore I couldn't disobey at all under that kind of situation, because he is “the Karmapa”, who can’t be wrong so the wrong one must be me!

The Karmapa often pretended that he was sick from heart ache or excused that the internet connection was off because Indian infrastructure was bad (even when he stayed in Haytt Delhi) and cut the line all of a sudden. He often made up ridiculous lies to break his promises but it was always effective because I believed in that "the Karmapa" did things for good reasons. He oftentimes switched back and forth to different girls when he video Skyped yet I thought was dealing with his jobs or something like that.  He even called the wrong name, use simplified Chinese character to leak that he mistook me as someone else (I am from Taiwan where use only traditional Chinese) because he couldn’t remember all the preys' names. I had to convince myself that this disrespectful and mean actions must be a high teaching for me to erase my ego and the Karmapa was conducting a guru job to help me get enlightened and I was under his trainings of Pure Perceptions. I justified all his abuses as the homework that the Karmapa aka Guru Rinpoche gave me so that I could transcend my attachment to become ego-less and selfless. Turns out he was just fooling around, cheating and mistreating women disciples for years to fulfill his sexual addictions. He is a sociopath coming up with various kinds of sexual and abusive games ever since his early 20s.


The prey game is not established immediately in one day or one week. The guru must throw the baits until the disciple is hooked which takes months or years. The premise of the controlling game being set up is that he needs to make sure you’re absolutely buy into the con of perception, meaning you take him as the one and only root guru coupled with the narrative of that is he prophsized as Guru Rinopche (the most authoritative and effective one), and then he is the winner without fail. Otherwise he cannot fool the women to offer sex, neither can he make the patrons to offer billions of money without hesitation. The guru takes time and energy to work on and run the perception management to fulfill his agenda, such as exploiting the psychological game and pulling the strings in their relationships or playing the disciple competition politics, imposing emotional blackmail to meet or not to meet, etc. With the golden title of “the Karmapa”, it would be a lot more easier for him to achieve the goals mentioned above than any other lamas and rinpoches. As for Dzongsar Khyentse, he needs to make much more efforts to build up the perception for his own mandala, from a small teaching or a puja to making a movie or, the most recent project of the series of his biographies, which will be filmed by his Chinese disciple team with the Chinese fund in the near future. (Now he is teaming up Taiwanese filmmakers through the connection of Stephaine Lai's father Stan Lai who is a famous playwright and director both in Mainland China and Taiwan) It is to create his Khyentse Narrative with an art form to shape him as a great Buddhist lineage leader for generations to come. Nothing is faster and more effective to form the perceptions through movies. It was already realized by Hilter in the 1930s by using film as propaganda tools. Dzongsar Khyentse has been working on the Karmapa and used women as agents to influence the Karmapa to adopt this method and route to cooperate with him to build a system, actually a Kingdom of the Karmapa and Khyentse sect combined together. 


Dzongsar Khyentse’s biography web-series is a perfect performance of fusion of the perception con and narrative making. He soon will make the stories into a movie or TV episodes to be his live action biography for next generations after he died, in which he will be viewed as not only all romantic and sensitive but also miraculous and legendary, and of course he would impersonate as a compassionate and a accomplished Buddhist great master. In fact, this biography-making  activity is not a new thing in Tibetan Buddhist tradition; many late masters would write their own bios before they die or his main disciple would write for him to pass on the master's legends and greatness of the lineage as the fairy tales or brainwash to the young generations. In the classic bios, the masters are all saints, perfect and accomplished a lot of amazing jobs, such as fulfill the deity practices or showing the clairvoyance, digging out treasure teachings, etc. Or, they are humble enough to admit their wrongdoings and give up the wealth and power, coming into retreats until they die, things like that. However, of course, the biographies are almost beautified while not including any dark histories or shameful misbehavior. Because they would sabotage the perfect image of the guru aka "pure perception that lead to enlightenment" and damage the lineage's image, ruining the con of the perception, which will be pernicious for their activities, or say, business and interests.

事實上,宗薩會開設自己的自傳網站,最主要還是為了要自己的事業能為噶瑪巴所承接;他讓女弟子透過閱讀他的文章,進而將當中的思想傳達給這些對噶瑪巴,同時也洗腦這些有影響力的女弟子,讓噶瑪巴模仿他的風格,同時對噶瑪巴心理喊話。除了我,還有好幾個宗薩的女弟子都不停在做著這樣的事。這也是為什麼宗薩一直表面上馬屁著:「喔,噶瑪巴他是太陽,而我只是像螢火蟲一樣。」(微信語音檔案 ) 他自述這個自傳是為了要紀念他的偉大的上師們,其實是將自己保護一生積攢產業的私心,苦苦地包裝在這個自傳連載之中。其實私底下宗薩欽哲非常不屑噶瑪巴,他只恨自己的頭銜和事業體無法像噶瑪巴一樣龐大。而他將近六十,健康已經出現危機(非常少人知道這件事),從好幾年前他為了延續自己傳承,就開始針對噶瑪巴和薩迦派某法王子用同樣的女人計下手,可惜兩者都並不太理他,他們都只是玩弄女人,但是卻不認真理會宗薩對傳承事業的需求,認為自己也不比宗薩差。到今天,宗薩用女弟子來接近這些知名年輕祖古的計畫一直沒有間斷過。

One of the main goals for Dzongsar Khyentse to start his biography website is to set it as a message or information center for the Karmapa and the Karmapa’s girls that are from Dzongsar Khenytse’s mandala. Dzongsar Khyentse let his targeted women students read his articles which embedded his Khyentse ideas all aspects and then the women students would knowingly or unknowingly pass these ideas to the Karmapa when they interact in private.

For example, Dzongsar Khyentste often times asked me what the Karmapa was doing or teaching and what his opinions on certain issue were. I would report Dzongsar Khyentse and did my best to bombard and convince the Karmapa to follow Dzongsar Khyentse’s ideas or styles. It's Dzongsar Khyentse typical ways to pass message and influence so that he didn't need to take any responsibility or karma as a self protection.   Not only me but also quite a few of Dzongsar Khyentse’s girl students were or are doing this to fulfill Dzongsar Khyentse’s hopes to make the Karmapa emulate, cooperate and even take over his Khyentse activities. And that is why in public or in private, Dzongsar Khyentse keeps saying like a sycophant that, “ Oh the Karmapa is the sun while I am just a little firefly.”(I have his wehat messages and recording about it.) It's his lines on stage showing to the public. It was compelling when I fell into that trap of dedication myself to the Buddha Dharma's future) He claimed that he writes his biographies for tribute to his great gurus but actually he was trying very hard to protect and prolong his khyentse business that he sweated for his whole life. He never wanted his activities dissolved when he die as he told his patrons. On the contrary, the older he gets, the more efforts he pays to maintain his personal career and property and reputation  by all means at his best (of course he would say it’s Buddhist legacy so that no one should critize his doings.). He doesn't care if it is abusing women as tools, playing honey trap to lure young rinpoche or his holiness to lean for Khyentse ways. He skillfully buries his personal agendas and narratives in his novella-like biographies and girl students just buy the whole stories and then sell to their young rinpoche "dates". Or the girls would persuade themselves that they are dedicating for the Dharma and the abusive interaction contains high meanings relating to enlightenment.

The unknown truth is that in private Dzongsar Khyentse deepdown despises the 17th Karmapa, who earns his name and admiration just by the ancient title without any efforts—he doesn’t have to study or practice at all or work hard on patrons to get resources, such as money, conntections or materials. Dzongsar Khyentse hates himself that he can’t have the influence and power as great as the Karmapa, because in his mind he is much smarter and more visionary than the brat, uneducated Karmapa is. Dzongsar Khyentse thinks he could make his career and lineage way better if he owns the same background,  power and resources.

Now Dzongsar Khyentse is almost 60 years old and his health condition suffers some crisis that only few know it. Since around 2013, he started play the scheme of “honey trap”, exploiting women students to influence the young rinpohes such as Avikrita Vajra Rinpohe in Sakya lineage (who is also a playboy) and the 17th Karmapa to empower and maintain his Khyentse lineage. However, the scheme didn’t go well because either the young rinpoche wrapped the girl in his hands just  fooling around or they ignored the girl’s words, disdaining Dzongsar Khyentse’s methods and route of doing activities. The young lamas don’t think they are inferior to Dzongsar Khyentse and never take his activities serious and just being perfunctory and playful to Dzongsar Khyentse's ideas showing up once in a while when they need it. This kind of women abuse from both sides, Dzongsar Khyentse v.s. the Karmapa and the other young lamas, never ends even today at this moment.

宗薩欽哲不斷提供女性供養給屬意的秘密重點接班法王子及法王,但兩人皆敷衍遊戲 Dzongsar Khyentse constantly offers “girl offerings” to the promising young lamas and so-called his holiness to take over his Khyentse activities, such as Avikrita Vajra Rinpoche form Sakya lineage and the 17th Karmapa from Kagyu lineage but both of them are just merely acting they care Dzongsar's ideas and pretending they are behaved.  



全案定讞!判決確定!大寶法王、宗薩欽哲性濫權醜聞案為真!處理代表弟子熊仁謙必須向Jane Huang公開道歉十天!The Conviction Affirmed! The Karmapa’s sex scandal is recognized true by Taiwan High Court! The Lama Must Apologize to Jane Huang publicly for 10 days!

藏傳密宗不能說的秘密 The Secrets Forbidden to Be Told in Tibetan Buddhism

鐵證!宗薩欽哲教私下唆抹黑吹哨者的法院證據!Dzongsar Khyentse abets Stephanie Lai to Smear the Whistleblower of the Karmapa Sex abuse