
目前顯示的是 9月, 2021的文章

羅卓仁謙霸凌二審判決確定,不得上訴!大寶法王、宗薩欽哲抹黑打手敗訴確定!Apeal not allowed! The Second instance of The Karmapa’s representative disciple's Smearing and Cyberbullying is affirmed! Lodro Rinchen Must Apologize to Jane Huang publicly!

正當 2021 年 5 月 16 日最終的言詞辯論庭即將展開時,台灣這時卻面臨了武漢肺炎疫情爆發的三級警戒,所有法院庭期不是延後就是改為視訊。但無論是會議視訊還是延伸視訊(即在高等法院開庭但分開於不同法庭視訊),熊仁謙都卻拒絕視訊開庭(書記官通知他拒絕的當天晚上他還臉書直播!)。 Just as the last oral argument was about to take place on May 16th 2021, Covid-19 outbreak hit Taiwan and the Level 3 pandemic alert was imposed the whole island, meaning all the gathering more than 5 people indoor must stop or seek alternative ways. Therefore, all the courts were either postponed or taking place as online meetings. However, Lodro Rinchen refused to attend the court no matter it was online meeting or extending meeting (meaning in different rooms at High Court). He just refused oral argument court online without any reason, even without filing the document to ask for leave with the cause of pandemic. Apparently he was dragging the court at his best to face the looming of the judgement. Because he was still doing his Facebook online babbling and selling his Buddhist courses on the exact same day when the clerk informed him the dat...

更驚人的醜聞!羅卓仁謙供出是宗薩欽哲和大寶法王以微信指示散佈Jane Huang是精神病患來帶風向逃避性醜聞!More Outrageous Scandal! Lodro Rinchen revealed it's Dzongsar Khyentse and the Karmapa who instructed him to smear Jane Huang to mislead the public opinion!

Two ridiculous discs submitted by Lodro Rinchen to  Taiwan High Court containing the text and voice messages that were claimed as from Stephanie Lai and Dzongsar Khyentse as well as Shi Miao with with the Karmapa 二審時,熊仁謙改口稱他製作懶人包,也承認懶人包中指稱為精神病患的 Jane Huang 就是接受鏡週刊訪問的黃女。(法律小知識:事實上當他製發包含這些誤導訊息的懶人包時已經是犯行成立了。)但他認為自己已經過求證事實,因而無罪。於是高等法院法官要求熊仁謙提出求證的證據,首先,他提出他打給鏡週刊社長裴偉施壓的電話和訊息,結果內容竟是要求對方不要出刊。但是因為聲紋現驗證鑿鑿,鏡週刊幾經波折,最後還是在 1 月 23 日準時出刊,爆出此一宗教性濫權醜聞! In the second instance, Lodro changed his testimony, admitting that he did the stickers for dummies in which “Jane Huang” mentioned were indicated as the same woman Ms. Huang that interviewed by the Mirror Media Weekly. (For your information: Legally at the moment he made and spread the stickers for dummies with disinformation he already committed the crime of cyberbullying.) Yet, this time he insisted that he had sought proof and verified his speech so that he was not guilty. Therefore, Taiwan High Court judge ordered him show his proof of his veri...

二審我再度勝訴了!台灣高等法院調查出是大寶法王和宗薩欽哲教唆羅卓仁謙污衊女吹哨者為精神病! I Won the Second Instance Again! Taiwan High Court Investigated and Dig out it’s Dzongsar Khyentse and the Karmapa abetted Lodro Rinchen to Smear the Whistleblower as a Psychopath!

2021 年 7 月 28 日,經過又一年的二審調查,台灣高等法院宣判了!審判長加上兩位法官判決駁回羅卓仁謙的上訴,也就是說,我又再度勝訴,正義再次站在我這邊!在這個民主時代,女人說出自己親身受害經歷,竟要先從先不被抹黑成精神病患開始!而這次二審, 台灣高等法院竟調查出更大的醜聞:宗薩欽哲和噶瑪巴教唆熊仁謙污衊我是精神病來脫罪! On July 28th 2021, after the long process of the second instance, Taiwan High Court rendered the judgement that I (Jane Huang) won the lawsuit again! The presiding judge along with the other two judges made the judgement of dismissing the appeal of the Karmapa’s representative, which meant he lost the case and he must apologize to me publicly. Although it is a sad truth that when a woman whistleblower goes public her victim experiences, she needs to prove that she is not a psychopath in the first place to fight for her creditability and confront the smear and witch-hunting campaign. However difficult that is, still, finally the Taiwan High Court made the justice and protect my right to speak out my true stories of disclosing the sexual abuse by the 17th Karmapa and Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse! Moreover, Taiwan High Court eve...