
鐵證!宗薩欽哲教私下唆抹黑吹哨者的法院證據!Dzongsar Khyentse abets Stephanie Lai to Smear the Whistleblower of the Karmapa Sex abuse

The video revealing Dzongsar Khyentse's ugly faces with his own wechat messages with his translator Stephanie Lai that was deleted by YT due to malevolent reported and been forcibly removed and "can not be appeal." https://youtu.be/aiEAtW7PvBk or https://youtu.be/OWXvAs5O6qQ or https://www.dropbox.com/s/x3o3nhohzr0z667/lai%20youtube.mp4?dl=0 All the documents and recordings in the videos are filed and archived in Taiwan High Court, which means they are all verified by the court and true! That's why Dzongsar Khyentse fear of being seen his true ugly face by the public and asked his followers remove this solid evidence on Youtube! The harder Dzongsar Khyentse's side tries to wipe out these solid evidences, the more authentic these evidences are! Dzongsar Khyentse and his gang act like Chinese Communist Party totally! 影片 中所有文件和錄音檔都存檔於臺灣高等法院,證明這些證據是法院認證!完全真實可信!賴梵耘和羅卓仁謙的對話證明了就是宗薩欽哲親自教唆賴梵耘,抹黑吹哨者Jane Huang是精神病患! 宗薩欽哲敢做這種卑鄙的事,卻如此害怕被大眾看見這些由法院認證鐵一般的證據,因為這些對話揭發了他的真面目和人格,於是...


轉載Jane Huang臉書2021年11月11日 https://www.facebook.com/ 1288682816/posts/ pfbid0X3CUfrkFo9DMMH5hsfhFMrSh b6pGxex77AbFJP6RtNow9BECFFZBNg s5vnv6Lgjol/?d=n 羅卓仁謙護航大寶法王性醜聞被判臉書道歉,多次作弊,最後遭台北地方法院強制執行官抓包!大寶法王集團為湮滅性醜聞,被台灣法院判決認證誹謗及霸凌吹哨者違法!性醜聞處理窗口代表熊仁謙遭強制執行至公證人處向被害者Jane Huang公開道歉! A cheated public apology on FB was dismissed by the Judicial officer at the compulsory execution department in Taipei District Court. The notary could not prove a valid apology post and had to note the court. The Karmapa and Dzongsar Jamyang KhyentseDzongsar Khyentse's team keeps lying and cheating, playing tricks to avoid the legal punishment. #大寶法王性醜聞 #羅卓仁謙道歉 #法院認證抹黑吹哨者必須公開道歉 #熊仁謙道歉作弊 #偷雞摸狗投機取巧結果公證人認證有作弊嫌疑 #被司法事務官抓包要求重新證明 #小學生作弊都比這個強 #瞎到極點丟人現眼 #大寶法王上樑不正下樑歪 #說謊抹黑網路霸凌後敗訴道歉還作弊 #連續十天的道歉只履行一分鐘就隱藏 #公證人都不想掛保證免得被吊銷執照 #強制執行處司法事務官不是白癡是司法官 #羅卓仁謙臉書沒被盜帳號是真的帳號但作弊而已 #從2019年1月23日以來每件事都證明噶瑪巴對性醜聞說謊到底 #Dzongsarjamyangkhyentse #karmapa 這是羅卓仁謙遭台北地方法院強制執行處強制執行後,所陳報的公證道歉啟事。民間 公證人看到羅卓仁謙出示的臉書道歉啟事,也不敢公然幫忙說謊,公證人當場知道有問題,所以在公證文件末尾還附上但書,以免砸了執照. The...