
轉載Jane Huang臉書2021年11月11日


羅卓仁謙護航大寶法王性醜聞被判臉書道歉,多次作弊,最後遭台北地方法院強制執行官抓包!大寶法王集團為湮滅性醜聞,被台灣法院判決認證誹謗及霸凌吹哨者違法!性醜聞處理窗口代表熊仁謙遭強制執行至公證人處向被害者Jane Huang公開道歉!

A cheated public apology on FB was dismissed by the Judicial officer at the compulsory execution department in Taipei District Court. The notary could not prove a valid apology post and had to note the court. The Karmapa and Dzongsar Jamyang KhyentseDzongsar Khyentse's team keeps lying and cheating, playing tricks to avoid the legal punishment.

這是羅卓仁謙遭台北地方法院強制執行處強制執行後,所陳報的公證道歉啟事。民間公證人看到羅卓仁謙出示的臉書道歉啟事,也不敢公然幫忙說謊,公證人當場知道有問題,所以在公證文件末尾還附上但書,以免砸了執照. The notary explained at the end of the notarization that he only stated what he saw on Lodro Richen's Facebook at the moment that his client showed the page. He did not and will not prove this apology whether or not fits the judgement that the court demanded. And the client agreed. Therefore, no one could prove this "public apology" exited more than one minute. Even the notary doubted it was a cheat action so he mentioned that he will not be responsible for proving the effectiveness of the apology legally.


羅卓仁謙呈報的臉書公開道歉啟事,作弊拙劣瞎到極點,被強制執行官打回票!強制執行官是通過司法官考試的不是只有小學畢業的笨蛋!The Judicial officer at the compulsory execution department in Taipei District Court immediately required the Karmapa’s representative to report again a legal and effective public apology because the officer only saw the post one time when he screenshot the public apology on FB, which was not a consecutive public apology for 10 days as the final judgement ordered. The Judicial officer knew clearly that the Karmapa and Dzongsar Khyentse's main guy was just playing cheating tricks to avoid the effective public apology to clarify they smear Jane Huang the whistleblower as a mental. They are not only abusers, liars but also a cheaters. Still "teaching" Buddha dharma to earn their fame. 




全案定讞!判決確定!大寶法王、宗薩欽哲性濫權醜聞案為真!處理代表弟子熊仁謙必須向Jane Huang公開道歉十天!The Conviction Affirmed! The Karmapa’s sex scandal is recognized true by Taiwan High Court! The Lama Must Apologize to Jane Huang publicly for 10 days!

藏傳密宗不能說的秘密 The Secrets Forbidden to Be Told in Tibetan Buddhism

鐵證!宗薩欽哲教私下唆抹黑吹哨者的法院證據!Dzongsar Khyentse abets Stephanie Lai to Smear the Whistleblower of the Karmapa Sex abuse