記者向化育基金會求證後,大寶法王首度公開承認沒有比丘戒! For the first time The 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje officially admitted and confessed that he didn't have Bhikkhu Vow!
大寶法王噶瑪巴自承:「未曾在自己噶舉派中接受過沙彌戒或比丘戒。」 1/20中 午鏡週刊出刊前採訪 者打電話到育基金會告知報導內容,並 email 至大寶法王聯絡信箱。當天( 1/21 )晚間噶瑪巴官網及化育基金會官網皆發表大寶法王以藏文演說、由台灣妙融比丘尼法師同步口譯之開示:「正在閉關的大寶法王,在噶舉祈願晚會上發表特別開示,表示自己僅受過格魯派沙彌戒和近事男戒(出家中間戒),並未受過比丘戒。」 證實多年來披著僧服戒衣的第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴,事實上根本不是一名出家比丘! On on Januaray 20th Mirror Media called to Huayue Foundation to inform them the coming coverage about the Karmapa's sex scandal, asking for the Karmapa's response before the magazine printed. On Januaray 23rd the Karmapa talked during Kagyu Monlam, translated by Bhikksuni Miao Rong, admitting that he never took Bhikkhu Vow, only taking intermediate ordination and novice monks vows in Gelug sect, nothing in Kagyu sect. The Karmapa has not been an ordained monk ever. 噶瑪巴在記者致電化育基金會後,隔天於菩提迦耶祈願法會直播全文: https://kagyuoffice.org.tw/17th-karmapa/karmapa-chronicle/kagyumonlam/20190121 Full Transcript of the Address from His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa to the 36th Kagyu Monlam https://kagyuoffice.org/full-transcript-of-the-ad...