
目前顯示的是 9月, 2019的文章

記者向化育基金會求證後,大寶法王首度公開承認沒有比丘戒! For the first time The 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje officially admitted and confessed that he didn't have Bhikkhu Vow!

大寶法王噶瑪巴自承:「未曾在自己噶舉派中接受過沙彌戒或比丘戒。」 1/20中 午鏡週刊出刊前採訪 者打電話到育基金會告知報導內容,並 email 至大寶法王聯絡信箱。當天( 1/21 )晚間噶瑪巴官網及化育基金會官網皆發表大寶法王以藏文演說、由台灣妙融比丘尼法師同步口譯之開示:「正在閉關的大寶法王,在噶舉祈願晚會上發表特別開示,表示自己僅受過格魯派沙彌戒和近事男戒(出家中間戒),並未受過比丘戒。」 證實多年來披著僧服戒衣的第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴,事實上根本不是一名出家比丘! On on Januaray 20th Mirror Media called to Huayue Foundation to inform them the coming coverage about the Karmapa's sex scandal, asking for the Karmapa's response before the magazine printed. On Januaray 23rd the Karmapa talked during Kagyu Monlam, translated by Bhikksuni Miao Rong, admitting that he never took Bhikkhu Vow, only taking intermediate ordination and novice monks vows in Gelug sect, nothing in Kagyu sect. The Karmapa has not been an ordained monk ever. 噶瑪巴在記者致電化育基金會後,隔天於菩提迦耶祈願法會直播全文: https://kagyuoffice.org.tw/17th-karmapa/karmapa-chronicle/kagyumonlam/20190121  Full Transcript of the Address from His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa to the 36th Kagyu Monlam   https://kagyuoffice.org/full-transcript-of-the-ad...

藏傳密宗不能說的秘密 The Secrets Forbidden to Be Told in Tibetan Buddhism

 藏傳密宗不能說的秘密 The Secrets Forbidden to Be Told in Tibetan Buddhism 既然這麼多女性弟子受其精神虐待,為何始終沒有人敢跳出來發聲? Since there were so many women disciples abused physically and spiritually by the Tibetan teachers, why was it no victim coming out to reveal the darkness? 小珍提到,在藏傳佛教中,上師擁有宗教知識的話語權威,更不斷傳遞「上師是一切」的理論,再加上其宗教神秘儀式和各種所謂誓言的洗腦和恐嚇,不少女弟子難承受心靈壓力而崩潰,卻沒有人能說出真相,藏傳佛教宛如仍生活在中古世紀,男性的父權思想和沙豬主義始終未有進步。 Jane said that in Tibetan Buddhism, the guru possessed the authority of words, and the theory in Vajrayana claimed that “guru is everything”; moreover, the Tibetan Budhhism performed all kinds of cryptic religious ceremonies, the brainwash and threats of severe commitments (samaya), a great number of the female disciples broke down due to the enormous stress and phyical torture, yet no one dare stepped out and go public the truths. For now in the modern time, the Tibetan Buddhism still stuck in Middle Aages, the male patriarchy and Chauvinism didn’t change or improve any tiny bit. 而藏傳佛教講究轉世說,幼小的孩子一但被...

鏡週刊錄音檔大寶法王噶瑪巴與Jane Huang談到錫金隆德寺,噶瑪巴:「也不是我們想鬧啊。」The Karmapa Talked With Jane Huang About the Iusse of the Rumtek Monastery. The Karmapa siad, "We didn't want to fight yet it's just inevitable."

鏡週刊之大寶法王與Jane Huang 2018年8月skype對話本人原音檔 Jane Huang與噶瑪巴談到宗薩欽哲2017年11月要她造訪錫金隆德寺及真假大寶法王之爭--「值得你們爭權奪利鬧這麼久嗎?」噶瑪巴:「也不是我們想鬧啊。」 The original skype recordings that Jane Huang provided the Mirror Media. Dzongsar Khyentse instructed her to visit the Rumtek Monastery on November 2017. After the visit, Huang said to the Karmapa, "how come such a shabby temple worth you guys for contending for the power and money for so long?" "We don't want to fight. We just couldn't help it. " said the Karmapa. 鏡週刊之大寶法王與skype對話本人原音檔: Jane Huang與噶瑪巴談到「宗薩想改變你」,噶瑪巴:「他想要我成為他心目中的人,那是他自己的事。」「跟我沒關係,那是他是一廂情願的想法。」[含英文字幕] The original skype recordings that Jane Huang provided the Mirror Media. They talked about Dzongsar's political agenda that he wanted to influnce the Karmapa and change him. The Karmapa said, "Dzongsar is a quirky master and he wants me to become the ideal one as he wish, it is his business, I can't agree with him. It's his one-sided ideas." [Thi...

噶瑪巴具反社會人格,患心理疾病「性成癮症」 偏好虐待關係 The Karmapa is a Sociopath, Suffering from Mental Illness and Sexual Addiction, Preferring RelationshipS of Sadomasochism

噶瑪巴今年不過三十四歲,他在七歲時被認定為大寶法王,此後便不斷展現神蹟,包括十五歲時在青海湖中找到失蹤近三百年的三面馬頭明王杵,更在邊防軍的虎視眈眈下,帶著二名隨從順利穿過軍營逃往印度,噶瑪巴在信徒心中無比神聖,在小珍眼中,他卻是名急需幫助的精神病人。 The 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje is 34 years old this year. When he was 7 years old, he was recognized as the Karmapa, and had been performed miracles such as finding the three-spoked Hayagriva Vajra lost for more than 300 years in the Ching-Hi Lake, and that going through the troop camps smoothly under the chase by the Chinese border guards. In his devotees’ mind, the Karmapa was a supreme and sublime being, yet in Jane’s eyes, he was no more than a patient suffered from psychosis. The Karmapa is a sociopath. 小珍說,大寶法王曾向他傾訴在達蘭薩拉上密院軟禁時的痛苦,宗薩仁波切更曾在微信上向小珍透露噶瑪巴有心理問題,在新加坡課程後私人會面告訴小珍噶瑪巴可能有精神分裂。藝人阿雅丈夫竹慶本樂仁波切曾被噶瑪巴被囚禁期間失控毆打,所有人驚嚇之餘,都被禁止封口談論此事。此後竹慶本樂人波切曾提出應為噶瑪巴安排心理輔導,但噶瑪巴卻拒絕看醫生治療。大寶法王之後開始使用網路接觸女弟子信徒,則轉為性虐待及精神控制女性的虐待行為。噶瑪巴的女性伴侶人數之多,已然患有性成癮症而非僅是單純的好色衝動。事實上噶瑪巴的網路秘書 Tashi Paljor 、覲見秘書 Kenpo Lekshely 堪布(藏語:教授)都是居中牽線的皮條客角色之一。 Jane said that the Karmapa had confide...

皮條客宗薩欽哲用美人計供養噶瑪巴,企圖強大欽哲派系傳承 The Pimp Dzongsar Khyentse Used "Honey Trap" by Offering Women Students to the Karmapa to Empower Khyentse Lineage

小珍在完全切斷關係前,曾傳訊息指控仁波切是「皮條客(pimp)」,仁波切也斬釘截鐵的回答:「Yes」,去年她再次質問仁波切是否仍在幫法王拉皮條,並認為這樣的舉動十分可恥,仁波切則只用乾笑「ho ho」敷衍帶過,並對曾經給過小珍的相關指示一概否認,並且對於小珍即將公開此事,竟以男性弟子眾人嘲笑的照片,威脅小珍不可公開。 Before Jane quit the relationship with the Karmapa, she had wechatted Dzongsar Khyentse calling him a “Pimp”, and he replies, “Yes” firmly on 2016. Last year in May, she inquired him again that if he was still pimping for the Karmapa and supposed it's shameful. Dzongsar Khyentse just smirked "ho ho",  dodged and denied all of the instructions that he gave to Jane. Furthermore, he laughed and mocked Jane’s intention to go public the whole thing and sent her a photo of two male disciples showing their deriding and surprising face to ridicule Jane, threatening her that if she went public the whole thing, she would get the ridiculous looks from the people as in the photo. Dzongsar Khyentse even laughed at Jane's look and insulted her that the Karmapa took her as woman offering. (wehat records) 長期以來,宗薩仁波切為了延續個人派別傳承,...