記者向化育基金會求證後,大寶法王首度公開承認沒有比丘戒! For the first time The 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje officially admitted and confessed that he didn't have Bhikkhu Vow!


On on Januaray 20th Mirror Media called to Huayue Foundation to inform them the coming coverage about the Karmapa's sex scandal, asking for the Karmapa's response before the magazine printed. On Januaray 23rd the Karmapa talked during Kagyu Monlam, translated by Bhikksuni Miao Rong, admitting that he never took Bhikkhu Vow, only taking intermediate ordination and novice monks vows in Gelug sect, nothing in Kagyu sect. The Karmapa has not been an ordained monk ever.


Full Transcript of the Address from His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa to the 36th Kagyu Monlam  

鏡週刊 鏡爆社會》【法王桃花劫】破戒交女友? 大寶法王開示回應了!

大寶法王官網刊載出噶瑪巴自承沒有比丘戒的全文 The official website of the Karmapa posted the transcription of the Karmapa's confession that he never took  Bhikku vows.

噶瑪巴說自己不受比丘戒是因為「沒有出離心」The Karmapa excused himself not taking the Bhhiku vow is because he doesn't rise the true renunciation.

噶瑪巴未受比丘戒卻穿著比丘裙The Karmapa wears a Bhikku robe without the Bhikku vow

噶瑪巴未受比丘戒卻穿著比丘裙The Karmapa wears a Bhikku skirt without the Bhikku vow

It turns out that the Karmapa is not a Bhhiku but he dares wear the Bhhiku robe because this outfit can cheat the disciples easily, especially the girls. He fools people that he is the noble "His Holiness Karmapa". He acts like a decent monk in the morning but acts like a playboy at night. Yet his true face is revealed in my Skype recordings! Is the role of "His Holiness " an entertaining career for him to impersonate as a saint to lie to the public? Is the Karmapa a Hollywood star, a Chinese big name or a Youtuber? A double agent is the most familiar role that the Karmapa is good at!



全案定讞!判決確定!大寶法王、宗薩欽哲性濫權醜聞案為真!處理代表弟子熊仁謙必須向Jane Huang公開道歉十天!The Conviction Affirmed! The Karmapa’s sex scandal is recognized true by Taiwan High Court! The Lama Must Apologize to Jane Huang publicly for 10 days!

藏傳密宗不能說的秘密 The Secrets Forbidden to Be Told in Tibetan Buddhism

鐵證!宗薩欽哲教私下唆抹黑吹哨者的法院證據!Dzongsar Khyentse abets Stephanie Lai to Smear the Whistleblower of the Karmapa Sex abuse